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Come Quick!!

One of the "higher ups" sees me in the hallway. He gives me an urgent look and motions me with his hand. The old "comer here quick, my world is falling apart look." No words were uttered, just hand signals. I pick up the pace, racing along the carpet with my coffee like a speed-walker on crack. On a side note, I didn't spill a drop of coffee.

I arrive in the office and ask what the urgent matter is. I'm expecting to look at a broken LCD screen, a smoking PC, or perhaps some one legged midget porn popup.

The reason I was urgently summoned, but no words were used in the hallway:

The mute speaks, "My son has a game on right now and no matter what I do I can't get the proprietary media player to download. I really need to listen to it." I didn’t even bring up our policy about unauthorized downloads and/or streaming audio.

I just opened up the webfilter and firewall and after about 10 minutes, the game is now streaming for all to hear. You can't say no if they are in an office, right?

Grumpy Tech Guy said...
May 1, 2008 at 12:06 PM  

Yeah, but be ready to tell them exactly why their network connection is so slow later.

I like telling them that it's probably not compatible with their version of network. They usually buy that. Although it's kind of funny when it leads to "So how much would it cost for me to upgrade?"

b.kiddo said...
May 13, 2008 at 6:40 AM  

what sticks out to me here is the fact that no coffee was spilled and crazck-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm;)

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