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Okay, am I on some crazy reality show where you win big money for making the IT guy go crazy?

Today I created a secured server folder for a user. I haven't made up a name in a while, so let's call him Gomez.

After creating the folder, I go to his desk, and show him how to navigate to it. That's too hard, so I create a shortcut. He asks if he can do whatever he needs. I tell him he has full control.

A few minutes later, he's in my doorway.

Gomez: I can right click and create a folder. Now, once I click into that folder, how do I create a subfolder?

I just looked at him in disbelief for a good 5 seconds before answering.

I know the hidden cameras are around here somewhere.........

Grumpy Tech Guy said...
May 14, 2008 at 5:20 PM  

LOL! That's as good as the people that bury their stuff 30 folders down.

Check it out here:Files and Folders

anotherkindofdrew said...
May 15, 2008 at 8:56 AM  

Gomez: I can't find the folder I just created. They are all called 'Untitled'.

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