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In the shower this morning, I remembered playing Nintendo at my neighbors house when I was just a kid. Don't ask me why.

My friend's father forbid us from pausing any Nintendo game. Why you ask?

He didn't want the video game heads to wear a blank spot in the tape.

It always used to piss me off that we couldn't pause a video game because he didn't understand how it worked nor would he actually take the time to listen to us when we tried to educate him on the inner workings of a video game console.

Even back then the idiots got on my nerves.

Aleksander R. Rødner said...
April 29, 2008 at 3:24 AM  

I feel your pain, I've been in that exact situation myself.

anotherkindofdrew said...
May 6, 2008 at 9:22 AM  

I was never quite in that position but I did always get tired of my mother telling me something similar about pausing movies for extended amounts of time. I tried to explain to her that after 5 minutes the VCR would shut itself off. I mean, we had a fancy Toshiba 4-head thingee. Oh well, I wouldn't call her an idiot...but I would say that it was idiotic to say! hahahahahaha

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